SAN DIEGO, CA – The California-Nevada Section of the American Water Works Association (CA-NV AWWA) announced significant changes in leadership by its Board of Directors at its 2019 Annual Fall Conference and Board Meeting at the Town and Country Resort on October 21 – 24, 2019 in San Diego, CA. The three-day event’s theme is “Re│Source: Sustaining Life through Diversity of Water.”
Preceding the conference, the Board approved Susan “Sue” A. Mosburg as the next executive director. Mosburg is a Program Manager at Sweetwater Authority with responsibility for water use efficiency, employee development and risk management programs. She has served as an American Water Works Association Director representing the California-Nevada Section. Sue chaired the California Water Loss Control Collaborative, and led the efforts of the CA-NV AWWA Section in administering the Water Loss Control Technical Assistance Program. She also helped to develop the Water Audit Validator Certificate Program. Sue holds a B.S. in Business Management and an A.A. in Speech Communication. She is a California State certified Water Treatment Operator, Water Distribution Operator, CA-NV AWWA certified Water Use Efficiency Practitioner and Water Audit Validator. She is expected to begin her new position with CA-NV AWWA in January 2020.
Additionally, on Tuesday, October 22 the gavel was passed to CA-NV AWWA’s new Chair, Andrew DeGraca. Andrew DeGraca is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley and a licensed Professional Chemical Engineer. He is the Water Quality Division Director for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission – a water, wastewater and power utility serving 2.7 million people in five counties.
At the annual meeting members elected the following officers:
• Vice Chair—David Rexing (Manager of Water Quality Research and Development, Southern Nevada Water Authority)
• Treasurer—Jim Elliott (Senior Manager, Engineering at Liberty Utilities)
• Director—Heather Collins (Water Treatment Manager, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California)