Water restrictions were in effect for 72 hours in in Taos due to a city well pump’s mechanical failure. According to a Town of Taos news release the town was undergoing a temporary water emergency and residents and businesses were forced to limit water use to prevent low water pressure throughout the town.
In what was described as a Stage 5 event, restrictions included not using the city’s irrigation system; no watering of lawns or large fields, no washing of windows, buildings, sidewalks or streets. It also meant using bottled water for drinking when possible. The rules include limiting showers to five minutes whenever possible. The town was also under a complete open burning ban. According to Town rules when under a stage 5 Water Emergency, violators may be disconnected for violating the restrictions.
Residents are warned that they may experience water loss, issues with in-home fire-prevention systems and outdoor fire hydrants, noises or pipe rattling in individual plumbing systems, water leaks and potential cross connection issues. To prevent cross-connection and backflow issues, the news release stated that residents were prohibited from spraying chemicals on grass or plants.